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Degu vs. Chinchilla: What Are The Differences?

25 Apr 2023
Degu vs. Chinchilla: What Are The Differences?

   Are you looking for a small, furry friend to bring into your home? Degus and chinchillas are both popular choices, but what are the differences between them? In this article, we'll explore the key differences between degus and chinchillas to help you decide which one is right for you.

Physical Appearance

   Degus and chinchillas look similar at first glance, but there are some key differences. Chinchillas are slightly larger than degus, with a rounder body shape and shorter ears. They have thick, soft fur that comes in a variety of colors, including gray, beige, and black. In contrast, degus have a more slender body shape, longer ears, and short, coarse fur that is usually brownish-gray in color.

Habitat Needs

   Both degus and chinchillas are social animals that thrive in groups. However, they have different habitat needs. Degus require a larger cage than chinchillas, as they are more active and need more space to run and play. They also need plenty of things to chew on, as their teeth grow continuously throughout their lives. Chinchillas, on the other hand, require a multi-level cage with plenty of platforms and ledges to jump and climb on.

Behavioral Differences

   Degus are more active and curious than chinchillas, and they love to play and explore. They are also more vocal, communicating with a variety of sounds, including barks, chirps, and squeaks. In contrast, chinchillas are more reserved and tend to be quieter. They are also more skittish and may not enjoy being handled as much as degus do.

Dietary Needs

   Both degus and chinchillas are herbivores and require a diet rich in fiber. However, their specific dietary needs are slightly different. Degus require a diet that is high in hay and low in sugar, as they are prone to diabetes. They also need fresh vegetables and fruits as a supplement. Chinchillas, on the other hand, require a diet that is low in fat and sugar, as they are prone to obesity. They should be fed a variety of hay, pellets, and fresh vegetables.


   When deciding between a degu and a chinchilla, it's important to consider their physical appearance, habitat needs, behavioral differences, and dietary needs. If you're looking for a more active and vocal pet that enjoys interaction with humans, a degu may be the right choice for you. If you prefer a quieter, more reserved pet that is content to entertain themselves, a chinchilla may be a better fit. Regardless of which pet you choose, both degus and chinchillas can make wonderful companions with proper care and attention.

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